viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2016

7 Carbohydrates Consumed in an Athlete’s Diet

7 Carbohydrates Consumed in an Athlete’s Diet

The following foods are nutritious carbohydrates that provide energy as well as a good source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre:

1) bread (including English muffins, crumpets, fruit bread and bagels)
2) cereal (including wheat biscuits, ‘flake cereals’, porridge and muesli)
3) pasta (including spaghetti, fettuccine, tagliatelle and ravioli)
4) rice (including white, brown and wild rice)
5) potato (including mashed, boiled, baked and in jackets), sweet potato and         corn
6) fruit (including fresh, canned, stewed, dried and fruit juice),
7) low-fat dairy products (including plain milk, flavoured milk, yoghurt and custard)

In addition to the above, but not in place of them, foods containing refined carbohydrates may be included to ‘top up’ total energy intake where required or provide an easy to digest form of carbohydrate in and around training and competition. These include honey, jam, sugar, jelly, lollies, soft drinks and sports drinks.

Shows the carbohydrate requirements for varying levels of activity:


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