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Ejercicio Físico para el Bienestar Individual y Social.

lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2016



How Do I Get Started?

Step 1: Select Your Training Program

The first step in running any distance is having a plan. Running a 10k, half- or full marathon is no simple task, and like many other ambitious goals, requires a detailed plan to get you from point A to point B and best prepare you for race day.

Step 2: Get the Appropriate Gear
Now that you’ve decided to run an organized race and selected your training program, it is extremely important that you have the right gear with which to train. We’ll separate gear into two categories: Required and Optional. The “required” gear is a definite must and you won’t be able to train without it. The “optional” are things that can make training easier and more effective and help
ease the pain of all the miles you will be putting in, but they are not required.
Required: Running shoes, Running apparel, Running watch, Water supply Optional: Log book(to record all of your runs),Heart rate monitor, Some type of electrolyte replacement drink, Gloves (cold days and when the
temperature is between 50 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit).

Step 3: Adequately Nourish Your Body 
Without adequate nutrition, you won’t have the energy to train, your body won’t recover, your immune system weakens, and you become sick more easily. Not to mention you run the risk of serious injury if your body cannot repair itself. It is also critically important that your body has the right amount of vitamins and minerals. Since runners are stressing their bodies more than the average person, vitamin and mineral intake is much higher.

Source: Running Guru, Inc.

4 Pillars in Training the Abdominal Wall

4 Pillars in Training the Abdominal Wall: Core Training

Abdominal or "core" training is extremely popular. Traditional approaches have focused on sit-ups, while today, abdominal hollowing is the new trend. Core training should be as functional as possible and involve all the muscles of the core. The diaphragm, pelvic floor, oblique abdominals, transverse abdominus, rectus abdominus, as well as the lumbar spine musculature, should all participate in a well-coordinated manner.

Four Pillars in Training the Abdominal Wall

. Respiration: A common practice in gyms is to exhale with exertion.
Unfortunately, many strenuous tasks occur when fatigue is setting in. If spine stability is compromised when one is gasping for air, the natural result will be low back injury. For all abdominal exercises, it is important that the patient is cued to maintain normal respiration.

. The diaphragm: A novel approach to achieving stronger co-activation of all abdominal wall muscles is to observe the position of the anterior chest wall. An elevated position is synchronized with the inhalation phase of respiration and will inhibit the normal postural function of the diaphragm. It is noted that the
thoraco-lumbar (T/L) junction is hyperlordotic and the diaphragm is oblique in this position. The "exhalation" position is believed to be facilitory of the abdominal wall, since active exhalation is produced by the abdominal muscles.

. The abdominal brace: Co-contractions have been shown to occur automatically in response to unexpected or sudden loading and to have a stabilizing effect. One is a voluntary pre-contraction to stiffen the spinal column when faced with unexpected perturbations. The second is an involuntary, reflex contraction of the muscles quick enough to prevent instability following either expected or unexpected perturbations. 

. Neutral spine posture: The fourth pillar for spine stability is maintenance of a "neutral spine" or normal lumbar lordosis. Many patients perform a posterior pelvic tilt, which actually places the lumbo-sacral spine in flexion and thus can potentially harm the disc via end-range loading in flexion. The "neutral zone is the inner region of a joint’s range of motion (ROM), where minimal
resistance to motion is encountered.

Source: Dynamic Chiropractic – August 13, 2007, Vol. 25, Issue 17, By Craig Liebenson, DC

Running Tips

10 Tips for Healthy Eating

10 Tips for Healthy Eating

1. Watch portion sizes. Your craving will likely be satisfied after you have finished a small order of fries, and you’ll save over 100 calories when compared with the super-sized order.

2. Seek out deli-style fast food chains where you can order a sub or sandwich on whole wheat bread or a wrap, a lower-fat and lower-calorie option than fried food.

3. Many fast food chains now offer healthy sides in place of the ubiquitous French fries. Take the healthy option. Or, if you can’t bear to give up the grease and salt, get the healthy side order too.

4. Always order a side salad when eating at traditional fast-food outlets. You will be less likely to fill up on only the unhealthy items, and the salad will provide some fiber and vitamins to balance an otherwise unhealthy meal.

5. Remember that chicken isn’t always a healthy choice. Many fast food chains offer fried breaded chicken sandwiches on white bread that are actually richer in fat and calories than a burger. Grilled chicken is a better option.

6. Make it a habit to eat a piece of fruit, a bowl of cereal, or some lowfat yogurt before you set out to run errands. Regular eating can    help you feel full and avoid temptation.

7. Stock your car with bottled water and healthy snacks. 

8. Consider a supermarket for your fast food break. You can pick up precut and washed fresh fruit or vegetables, yogurt, or lowfat cheese.

9. Hold the mayo. A tablespoon of regular mayonnaise has almost 100 calories!

10. Don’t add a sugary, calorie-rich drink to an already unhealthy meal. Water is available everywhere and is good for you.  Drinking a large glass of water with your meal will help you feel fuller earlier.

Source: MedicineNet, Inc.



Rugby is a sport for all which is proud of its values and remains true to them.

The Game’s core values are:

• INTEGRITY - Integrity is central to the fabric of the Game and is generated through honesty and fair play.

• PASSION - Rugby people have a passionate enthusiasm for the Game. Rugby generates excitement, emotional attachment and a sense of belonging to the global Rugby family

• SOLIDARITY – Rugby provides a unifying spirit that leads to lifelong friendships, camaraderie, teamwork and loyalty which transcends cultural,
geographic, political and religious differences.

• DISCIPLINE - Discipline is an integral part of the Game, both on and off the field, and is reflected through adherence to the Laws, the Regulations and
Rugby’s core values.

• RESPECT – Respect for team mates, opponents, match officials and those involved in the Game is paramount

domingo, 4 de septiembre de 2016

Que es la Dinanometría?




1) Reduce el riesgo de cardiopatía isquémica y otras enfermedades                       cardiovasculares.
2) Reduce el riego de desarrollar obesidad y diabetes.
3) Reduce el riesgo de desarrollar hipertensión o dislipidemia y ayuda a                 controlarlas.
4) Reduce el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer de colon y mama.
5) Ayuda a controlar el peso y mejora la imagen corporal.
6) Tonifica los músculos y preserva o incrementa la masa muscular.
7) Fortalece los huesos y articulaciones haciéndoles más resistentes.
8) Aumenta la capacidad de coordinación y respuesta neuro-motora,                     disminuyendo el riesgo y consecuencias de las caídas.
9) Mejora la actividad del sistema inmune.
10) Reduce los sentimientos de depresión y ansiedad.